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Club Access

  • You must present your membership card upon arrival at the Club to a member of reception staff.
  • If you don’t have your membership card with you, you will be required to present your photo card driving license or passport to a member of reception staff to enable them to confirm your identity. If you’re unable to produce a form of suitable identification you may be refused entry to the Club.
  • Members are permitted to bring up to two guests with them to enjoy the Club’s facilities. Guests must be pre-booked at least 24 hours in advance by emailing The relevant guest fee will be payable on the day of your visit

Club Opening & Closing Hours

  • Monday to Thursday: 6am until 10pm
  • Friday: 6am until 9pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 7:30am until 9pm

Club Etiquette

  • Please dress in an appropriate manner that’s befitting of the Club.
  • Avoid wearing dirty footwear, ripped clothing or clothing that displays language of pictures of symbols that could be deemed inappropriate or offensive.
  • Please do not enter the restaurant area while dressed in gym or swim wear at any time.
  • You must not use any form of language or behaviour, whether directed at fellow members, guests, or staff, which could cause distress, upset, offence or intimidation.
  • If you introduce guests to the Club, you are responsible for their actions and behaviours and must ensure they comply with the Club rules at all times.
  • You are encouraged to report any behaviour that is inconsistent with these rules and/or falls below the standard you would expect to a member of staff.
  • Smoking is not permitted in any part of the club or the outside perimeter, this includes the use of electronic cigarettes.

Filming & Photography

  • You must respect the wishes and privacy of fellow members and their families. No pictures are to be taken unless prior permission has been granted by the person(s) in that picture.

Gym & Studio Classes

  • When using the gym, please ensure you:
        – use the towels provided to wipe down equipment after use
        – return all gym equipment (including plates and dumbbells) to its correct storage area
        – use each piece of equipment and/or machine for a maximum period of 40 minutes in busy periods
        – restrict group training on individual pieces of equipment to three members (unless undergoing a     formal PT Session)
        – do not throw or drop weights at any time in the gym.
  • Members can book classes up to seven days in advance from their Member Portal.
  • If you cannot make a class, we ask that you cancel it at least 24 hours in advance. If you miss a class without cancelling, a strike will be applied to your account. Three strikes will result in a possible temporary hold on your ability to book classes.
  • Ensure you make the instructor aware if you are participating in a class for the first time.
  • You will not be permitted to join a class once the warm up has commenced.
  • If at any time you feel unwell, stop exercising and approach a member of staff immediately.
  • If you suffer from any medical conditions, please discuss this with a member of staff.
  • If you suffer from any medical conditions, please consult a GP prior to participating in any activity.
  • You must advise us of any changes to your personal or medical details on your Membership Questionnaire.
  • No member under the age of 12 is permitted on the gym floor, unless they are taking part in a timetabled class suitable for children.
  • Members aged between 13 and 16 are only permitted on the gym floor when accompanied with direct adult supervision at all times. Please note that they are only permitted to use the cardiovascular gym equipment.

Pool & Spa

  • You must shower before entering the pool area.
  • No running, jumping, and/or diving is permitted in the pool area.
  • Please avoid using pool/spa facilities for a minimum of 14 days after recovering from a gastric infection and/or diarrhoea.
  • The Thermal Suite closes each day 30 minutes prior to the Club closing.
  • Parents and/or guardians are responsible for the safety of children in their care and must supervise them at all times.


  • Members under the age of 16 must be under direct adult supervision at all times, unless they are involved in an organised class suitable for children or attending the creche.
  • Members under the age of 16 are only permitted to attend the club between 09:00 – 18:00 Monday to Sunday.
  • Members under the age of 8 may change in either sex changing room under the direct supervision of their parent and/or guardian. Members aged 8 and over must change in the changing room of their own sex.
  • Individuals under the age of 8 must be accompanied in the pool on a maximum ratio of one adult to two children.
  • Members under the age of 16 may not use the Spa facilities (including, but not limited to, the Thermal Suite).
  • Parents and/or guardians must accompany their children to timetabled children’s classes or the creche to sign them in. At the end of the class, the same parent and/or guardian must then collect their children.
  • Any child not signed in by their parent and/or guardian will not be allowed to participate in the activity. Another adult member may sign in/collect a child when specific arrangements have been made, and agreed, with the General Manager.
  • Parents and/or guardians are required to remain at the Club when children are taking part in the activity.
  • Parents and/or guardians must ensure their children behave in a quiet, safe and well-mannered fashion while in the Club. If we feel your child is behaving inappropriately, you and your child will be asked to leave the premises and further action may be taken.
  • A children’s ‘Pre-Activity Questionnaire’ must be completed by the parent and/or guardian prior to the child undertaking any activity.
  • A day-pass must be purchased from reception for any children attending the Club that are not members.

Health And Safety & Liability

  • Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein or in any other documentation provided by Hale Country Club Limited (“we”, “our”, “Hale”), nothing will:
       – Affect or limit your rights as a consumer under the laws of England and Wales; or
       – Exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.
  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any consequential or incidental damages (both of which terms includes, without limitation, pure economic loss, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of anticipated savings, wasted expenditure, loss of privacy and loss of data) or any other indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever that arise out of or are related to your membership with Hale.
  • You warrant and represent that you are in good physical condition and that you know of no medical or other reason why you are not capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise will not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort or physical condition.
  • You must complete and sign a ‘Pre-Activity Questionnaire’ and any guest which you introduce must be made aware of and agree to our Health Commitment Statement. This is a condition of your membership.
  • Cars parked at Hale Country Club and all contents are left at the owner’s risk. Hale will accept no Liability for loss of damage in respect thereof, unless caused by negligence by the management, employees or agents of the company.
  • We accept no liability for personal belongings left on premises or in the lockers.
  • You should seek medical advice before using these facilities if you are pregnant, have ever been diagnosed with a heart condition or experienced chest pains when exerting yourself, have high or low blood pressure or other circulatory problems, have recently had major surgery, are taking medication which makes you unsure as to the advisability of using these facilities.
  • If you have diabetes, asthma or epilepsy we advise you keep your medication close to hand and use the facilities with a partner at all times.
  • Any accident/incident that may occur when you visit Hale Country Club & Spa must be reported to a Duty Manager before you leave on the day of the event.